Surveys have been around for decades, and in that time they have undergone a number of updates, developments, and evolutions as new technologies have allowed them to adapt to modern sensibilities. However, what hasn’t changed much are the general expectations that respondents’ have towards surveys. For most people, a survey is a survey, and surveys aren’t often known as being exciting and enjoyable experiences.

Over the last several years, however, researchers have been exploring new ways of creating surveys that can capture the data they need while still respecting the time and attention span of the respondent. The most promising result to come of this has been the interactive survey, which revamps the way a respondent engages with a survey in order to keep them invested and ensure their answers are genuine and meaningful.

However, these new interactive surveys require more time and effort to create than a traditional survey, and since interactivity has yet to be fully embraced by the market research community or by businesses as a whole, how can you know if adopting this new trend will be right for you? To help you come to your own decision, take a look at how an interactive survey can affect both the respondent who is taking the survey and the researcher who depends on the data the survey collects.

The Respondent

Respondents want to have their voices heard, and filling out a survey is one of the best ways to do that. While some people don’t mind the occasional monotony of a traditional survey, when given an interactive survey, respondents are not only more engaged but often have more fun. Most respondents will recognize that they’re doing you a favor by filling out your survey, so if you can make it worth their time (beyond giving them a tangible incentive) it’ll be worth your while as well.

Higher Engagement

Interactive surveys can take a variety of forms and can include anything from image selection questions to drag-and-drop ranking questions, but they all require a unique kind of interaction. Where a traditional survey can be overwhelming (or overwhelmingly boring), an interactive survey breaks up the pace by adding images, graphics, and interactive components that will hold someone’s attention for longer.

More Fun

When a respondent is more engaged with the questions they’re answering, you have the opportunity to provide them with a survey experience that’s actually fun. Find out who your primary audience is, and frame your questions in ways and formats that will surprise and delight them.


Best Practices for Creating Survey Email Invitations


The Researcher

While interactive surveys can certainly benefit the respondents taking them, they’re even more beneficial to the researchers who take the time to create and implement them.

Increased Response Rates

With a higher engagement rate and easier accessibility, interactive surveys hold respondent’s attention for longer than a traditional survey, allowing for better, more genuine questions to be answered. This means more responses, fewer drop-outs, and better information for the researcher to make use of.

Different Ways of Collecting Data

A traditional survey can be a drag to get through, with its boring single and multi-punch answers. Respondents enjoy ingenuity, and if the researcher can take the time to find inventive ways of asking questions, people will be more likely to answer them. With interactive surveys, you can take advantage of digital exercises, video implementation, drag-and-drop features, or even built-in games in order to get more answers and information out of your respondents.

Standing Out From The Competition

The best way to provide your clients with an experience that will keep them coming back to your business is by specializing in a particular field or utilizing a unique tool in your survey efforts. Business across all kinds of industries use surveys to conduct valuable market research, and with so many outlets trying to compete with each other for the attention of an audience, it’s more important than ever to find a way to stand out from the crowd.

This is where interactive surveys can come in. Interactive surveys are yet another useful tool in your utility belt that can help your company stand out to its clients. Interactive surveys are clever, engaging, and when properly aimed at the unique traits and values of your company’s target customer, can be a fun and delightful way to garner valuable insight into your clients’ attitudes and behaviors.

The more specialized your surveys can be, the more you’ll stand out to your clientele. People value convenience and individuality, and interactive surveys can be a great tool in providing your customers with that. When your company gains a reputation for offering innovative surveys, you’ll have a higher chance of getting strong response rates from your audience while also continuing to build positive relationships with them.

To learn more, check out our comprehensive guide on creating interactive surveys!


Best Practices for Creating Survey Email Invitations